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I woke up today, late and I went straight to the balcony and I set your photo on fire…and I smiled. Goodbye sweet and bitter memories.

The photo that I have kept in my wallet for such a long time. The photo that I carved “my hunnee bunnee muah muah” at the back of it has gone. Gone with the wind. And I feel lighter, it’s like a building has been lifted up from my shoulder. I never thought that one day, I would have the guts to let your memories go. I had accepted the fate that we would not be together long before I unsheathed our memories. And now the day has come, I’m glad that I did. The feeling that has been engulfed me for like eons has finally been released from the empty cage I called my heart.

You are free now memories!!! Go fly to the moon and spread the love I once shared with my love one!

I have the most ample reason to let you go, I have fallen in ______(insert your own word) again.

I guess it’s true then that Time Will Heal You, I thought it’s just a cliche, a plain one.

p.s. This new feeling is unbearable and unfathomable, the feeling of wanting what you have coveted for.

p.p.s. selamat hari ulang tahun Azri N Fira, semoga ke jinjang pelamin~